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City of Trees Marathon

Sat October 12, 2024 Boise, ID 83702 US Directions

Course Maps

We love this river. A water flow that originates from the snow-capped peaks of the Sawtooth and Boise mountains, our race courses will get you intimately close to the sounds of the river as it winds through a rocky canyon and melts into an urban setting. We do reserve the right to make changes as we can't be boring.


2024 Maps - Newish courses for this year. (We've learned some things. First, there's some things we can do to make our courses a bit safer, so we're shifting some small things and we'll likely keep doing that. So keep checking back for updates.) 


RACE DIRECTORS MAP - Watch as we add ALL the details to the courses. See if you can predict where runners will "miss the turn." See if you can figure out why we don't put aid stations right on the mile markers. #saferspots

DISCLAIMER -  The course we are proposing would not have been runable in 2023. We stay in constant contact with Boise Parks and Rec to determine any potential safety risks associated with our courses. If we need to make a change at any time, we will do so. And let's also remember how much the City of Boise is doing an amazing job making improvements to the Greenbelt. At anytime, we will stay out of their way.

Please email  if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas that you would like to share.

We appreciate you being here, reading this as well as showing City of Trees Marathon your support.



10K -

5K -



Participants will cross aid stations roughly every two miles on the course. Aid Stations will be equipped water, sports drinks, and fuel. HOWEVER, we do place emphasis on Aid Stations on critical portions of our race. For example, turns and turnarounds seem to work better when at an Aid Station.
Please do not litter on course and dispose of your trash at the aid stations. We do have a team that sweeps the entire course for garbage post race, but please make their life easier and do not litter on the course.

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